Before installing the Musician’s Workbench; make sure that you have version 4.6.2 (or later) of the .NET framework installed. If not you can get it from Microsoft here.
To install the Musician’s Workbench click on the link below to download the zip file to your computer, then run MusiciansWorkbenchSetup.exe.
Install from Windows App Store
Click here for the latest version of the user’s guide.
It should tell you all you need to know about using the Workbench (if not let me know).
One thing I would ask is that during testing you have the real time log open. This will show any errors and provide you an easy way to report errors to me. There is a send to Sound Analysis button on the log. This will send an email with the contents of the log page, and optionally the session data and a note from you. The session data is particularly useful to me, it has all of the captured samples for the session, the score, and a bunch of intermediate data. With this I can reproduce the session exactly.
Feedback can be provided in a number of ways. General comments, feature requests, and suggestions should be posted on the Sound Analysis Facebook page.
Actual errors (stack traces) that show up in the log should be sent using the button on the log.
Transcription errors should also be reported using the log button with the session data attached. This has to go through email so short sessions are preferred.
If you just have a question please email us via our contact page.