The new blob counter control in the Imaging Whiteboard (2.5.7) can be used for more advanced image analysis algorithms.

Here we see an image of M&Ms and we want to know how many blue ones are visible. The threshold control is used to separate the blue component of the image. The morphology controls are used to filter out spurious noise and partially visible M&Ms. The blob counter will identify the blobs and allow the user to select the blobs or interest. The selected blobs count is the answer.
Version 2.5.7 includes new image analysis controls including a corner detector. This control implements the Harris corner detector algorithm, described here Harris corner detector – Wikipedia

Here we can see the traditional test image Lenna with significant image features identified.

A new Blob Counter control has been added to the Imaging Whiteboard. This control will allow the user to identify and count blobs within an image.
A live image will be displayed with the total number of blobs displayed dynamically.
Freezing the image will allow the user to select individual blobs which will be identified by outline and ID in the display image.